Friday, June 21, 2013


Post your topics for next post here!
don't forget to tell your friends about this, because the more topics the more fun it will be!   :)

P.S. lately I have been wondering what the purpose of a blog is. I really don't know. If one of you knows please tell me.   

Thursday, June 20, 2013


Ok… (I LOVE starting this way)  I am sorry for the delay. My computer was having problems and couldn't get back very fast. I will probably be typing the majority of my blog from my iPod until my computer Is fixed. Ok…(hee hee!) here we go!

The winner is; number ten! Topic; what are my favorite actors/actress's. 

To tell you the truth, I don't really have favorite actors/actress's. I could go on and on and on about movies that I love. (Newsies,Spiderman,Rocketeer,) I think  actors/actress's no matter how good will have good and bad movies that they star in. 

P.S. I can only recall like five actors/actress's names. Johnny Deep, Emma Watson, ummm…

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Changes for peanuts... Or something like that

okay everyone I have been feeling a little bit disappointed on how I have been writing so I am going to make a few changes.  My friends have blogs that they share and they all chose a topic and write about that one topic. But I am going to try something a little more risky; I will have people comment on the latest post on a topic. I will have a bowl of numbers and chose one. then that comment (like lets say that I chose number twelve the the twelfth comment I will make a post on).
It can be anything. One person can do as many subjects as they want.  Sound fun?

comment away!!!      :)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Bucket List

This blog isn't the only thing I am doing to do to pass time.  I have created a bucket list to do over the summer. Here are the things that I want to do;

1. Make lemonade from scratch
2. Stargaze while lying in the grass@*
3. On a really hot day visit a big store — book store, IKEA, Target*
4. Visit a farm where you can pick fruit*
5. Build something cool out of cardboard boxes
6. Go on a bug hunt*
8. Go to Provo Farmers' Market
9. Make wind chimes
10. Lie on the grass watching the clouds float across the sky*
11. Get a puzzle with 1000 pieces and put it together throughout the summer*
12. Plant something
13. make a sno-cone
14. Play flash light tag*
15. Trace your shadows at different times of the day with sidewalk chalk*
16. Watch the sunset
17. Make Popsicles
18. Create a band
19. play Capture the Flag
20. Send a secret letter
21. Make a rain gauge & measure the rain
22. Run a race
23. Make butter
24. Have a sword war*
25. Go fishing
26. Put on a play*
27. Do a fun run.
28. Lay on a roof.
29. Go a whole week without technology
30 Have everyone you meet for a day sign your shirt
31. Make a music video
32. Talk in a British accent for 48 hours straight
33. Pay for a stranger’s meal
34. make a time capsule
35. learn how to play a new board game*
36. make 4th of July shirts
37. Make homemade marshmallow guns*
38. make root beer floats*(home made rootbeer is SUPER good)
39. Light some Fireworks
40. Eat a gallon of raspberry's*(I ate three)

I hope I will get all of these things done.

Done =*

Monday, June 3, 2013

'bout me.....

I was raised in a family of girls.  I'm not kidding. on both sides of my family I have Five Boy cuzins. the two older ones live in wyoming and i never ever see them. my other cuzins are; one six year-old, and two three year-olds. I have three sisters, and one brother who is two. I have, let me think, thirteen girl cuzins. and all of them (except two,) are older than me. so guess who I get along better, Boys or Girls?

Saturday, June 1, 2013


Today I am going to tell you about Basses, how and why I play the Bass, and my three Basses that I have played on.

Ok, the Basses originated from southern Europe,  from the Guitar and instruments like it. Of course, the Bass has evolved just like every instrument, just like the Violin, Viola, and Cello. (which not  related to the Bass and came from northern Europe)  The Bass is normally used in harmonies  adding to the melody. the bass did not come very popular till the 1800's, what music historians call the romantic time period.  It played in small groups that had a Bass, Guitar, and several other instruments. IT's fame dwindled till about the 1930's, when big band and jazz appeared.  It was very famous. then it fade when that type of music disappeared. then the electric Bass (like the electric Guitar) came and the two were mixed up in fame.

Cool fact: the Bass has the same note from three interments.  The highest on from the Violin, The next from the Viola,and the lower-middle from the Cello.

I started playing the Bass when I was ten years old. I have been taught by a wonderful teacher, Antony.
I started playing the Bass because earlier I had been Playing the Violin but hated it (no offence, Violin players,) and switched to Bass.

Cool fact about me: I have been playing the piano since age six.

My first Bass was an 1/16th size, four feet tall, had a little rubber ball on the endpin, and liked to squeak.
My second Bass was An 1/4 size and four and a half feet tall. this had so many memories with it. It was played my first shakespeare play, It was the same bass that MY teacher had started on and loved to torment you because It was so old It was nearly impossible to tune. My third Bass I got to day. It is a half-size and is about five feet tall.I have yet to discover Its secrets.

Cool fact: my second Bass had been used in a public school ten years before my teacher was even born.

See you till next post!
               my third Bass