Monday, July 1, 2013

Candy land, the place were dreams con from

My favorite candy bar… The THREE MUSKETEERS!

I have had a run of my favorite candy bars since my first one; the BUTTERFINGERS! Then the REASSESS PEANutBuTtEr CuP!(this is still my second fav) aLmOnD jOy (I wish they made one without the almonds and it was milk chocolate) and then, the candy bar that has had a record five year streak, the ThReE mUsKeTeErS!  But just so you know, I HATE dark chocolate. I can stand them in cookies, but NO candy bar that is mostly D C is good in my book. Semi-sweet is basically the same thing to.  But I don't hate D C as one of my friends. He hates chocolate, and he will not eat it no matter what. He just plain hates chocolate.  I feel sad for him. :(

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